27 September 2016
Manifesting Authority
Genesis 1:26

And God said, Let us make man in our own image and likeness...

At creation, God promised man authority and excellence and there is a purpose for excellence and authority. Our anchor scripture says, ‘and God said, let us make man in our image, let them have dominion. That is to say, let them stand out; let them excel; let them exist in authority; that was the mission statement that came from the mouth of God concerning the creation of man. God without doubt is a great God. 

Inside God is the headquarters for dominion and authority. God is the embodiment of excellence. God lives naturally in the realm of supremacy. The bible says in Gen 1:27, so God created man in His own image, in the image of God, created He him, male and female created He them.
Therefore, anything that proceeds from God, including man that He made have no choice or option but to manifest authority, dominion and excellence because everything produces after its kind. 

Authority is in the genetics of God. Excellence is in the nature of Jehovah, if He gives birth to anything, that thing has no option but to naturally manifest the nature of His father. And I see you manifesting that nature today, in Jesus’ name.

Remember this: anything that proceed from God, including men that He made have no choice or option but to manifest authority, dominion and excellence.

Assignment: carry out your daily assignment with excellence.
Prayer: Lord, I receive Grace to be excellent in all I do, and to manifest your authority, in Jesus’ name


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