January 8, 2017
God requires FELLOWSHIP
2 Corinthians 13 [14]
           The grace of the Lord Jesus Christ, and the love of God, and the communion of the Holy Ghost, be with you all. Amen.

The essence of man is communion, that's why you and I were not created as lower animals. The will of God for us is to dominate the earth realm, that was why God gave Adam His (God) very breath, it was a transference of life, the God life. You'll find in the book of Genesis
how that God comes down to the garden in the COOL OF THE DAY, to commune with Him.

There are strategic timings for interactions, the cool of the day, not when everywhere is noised up, that's when heart felt issues are discussed.

God's desire for mankind is constant fellowship with Him through the Holy Spirit. You see, prayer is good, but I tell you, fellowship is better. In prayer, your talk to God and He talks back, but in fellowship, there is an heart pouring experience, here, he becomes one with your spirit, there is communion, that's where the deep things of God are revealed.

There is an experience in fellowship that you'll never want to part with, an intimate intercourse with divinity that opens you up to planes and higher realms in God.This is where reformers are handed, secrets that make them shake the sands of time.

Friends, prayer is good, better is fellowship, move up there, develop a hunger for more of God. It's open to all who will pay the price. It's worth it sir/ma.

Remain Ever Blessed


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