October 6, 2016
Crave To Know
Proverbs 15:14
                        The heart of him that hath understanding seeketh knowledge: but the mouth of fool's feedeth on foolishness.

Every world giant is a product of a secret , every revealed secret is a product of research. The world listens only to those with a voice, not noise makers. Knowledge is power, application of knowledge is wisdom, a wise man is much more greater than a powerful man.

To have knowledge and not apply it is foolishness, to have no knowledge at all is worse.

To make a name in this world, there is something you must be known for, you are known for what you know. For instance,
People call me whenever they have issues with their computers, some call for my service in information Technology and other related issues, but nobody calls me when they have issues with health, or their cars or for building construction, this is because I don't know about Medicare, or automobile engineering or carpentry, they know that's not my field.
What are you known for?

The day I desire to be respected as a medical doctor, I go for enough knowledge in medicine that qualifies me to be certified as a medical doctor.
Don't crave for attention when you have nothing of value to offer, rather go for knowledge. Some people lobby for opportunity, only to blow it when they get one because of lack of adequate knowledge in that thing in which they seek attention for.

Solomon became the greatest in his time, not because he fought and won battles like his father, but because he KNEW.
wisdom speaks greater and louder than strength or charisma. Should Samson be wise, he wouldn't have fallen to the Philistines.

Assignment: seek consciously for knowledge and apply it where necessary.

Prayer: Lord, grant me the grace to seek daily for wisdom, to the end that I may be of maximal impact to my world, in Jesus name.


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