October 12, 2016
Keys to a life of Profit
Isaiah 48:17
Every body is in business to make profit. That's the major motivation of any business person. As humans, we are compelled to work more when we realize more.
God himself is concerned about your business,
He is committed to your career. Every Christan needs to know that.
But as believers, our ways of making profit is different from that of the worldly people. I'm the world, they say, 'ah, although this thing is 300, we'll sell it for 800', some will say, 'for them to make profit, they need to cut short the resources they ought to use', while some buy substandard materials in order to profit. It's not so In the Kingdom.
We'll be reviewing over the week, some kingdom keys that guarantees profit in life and business.
The first key is DIVINE DIRECTION, this is the ultimate key to profit in life. Lack of divine direction is the reason for most failures in life. There is a path you should go, and a path not to. When God leads you to YOUR PLACE, profit is most assuredly guaranteed.
Case study- Isaac. Genesis 26:2-6, 12.
Assignment: seek the face of the Lord daily and ask Him to direct your every move.
Prayer: Lord, I pray for the Grace to seek you, and the heart to hear you and the spirit of obedience in Jesus'Name.
Keys to a life of Profit
Isaiah 48:17
Thus saith the LORD, thy Redeemer, the Holy One of Israel; I am the LORD thy God which teacheth thee to profit, which leadeth thee by the way that thou shouldest go
Every body is in business to make profit. That's the major motivation of any business person. As humans, we are compelled to work more when we realize more.
God himself is concerned about your business,
He is committed to your career. Every Christan needs to know that.
But as believers, our ways of making profit is different from that of the worldly people. I'm the world, they say, 'ah, although this thing is 300, we'll sell it for 800', some will say, 'for them to make profit, they need to cut short the resources they ought to use', while some buy substandard materials in order to profit. It's not so In the Kingdom.
We'll be reviewing over the week, some kingdom keys that guarantees profit in life and business.
The first key is DIVINE DIRECTION, this is the ultimate key to profit in life. Lack of divine direction is the reason for most failures in life. There is a path you should go, and a path not to. When God leads you to YOUR PLACE, profit is most assuredly guaranteed.
Case study- Isaac. Genesis 26:2-6, 12.
Assignment: seek the face of the Lord daily and ask Him to direct your every move.
Prayer: Lord, I pray for the Grace to seek you, and the heart to hear you and the spirit of obedience in Jesus'Name.
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