Jeremiah 1 [5]Before I formed thee in the belly I knew thee; and before thou camest forth out of the womb I sanctified thee, and I ordained thee a prophet unto the nations.
The essence of the creation of man is relationship with God. Before you were formed, God knew you. He made you in His image so you could relate with Him
Genesis 1 [26]And God said, Let us make man in our image, after our likeness....
He didn't create dogs in His image, didn't create the eagle in His image, but made You in his image.
We were created because relationship was of necessity to God, Bible records thus
Genesis 3 [8]And they heard the voice of the LORD God walking in the garden in the cool of the day..... God comes to relate with them in the cool of the day. That is why he He made them in His likeness.
Relationship defines responsibility, God's relationship with Adam gave Adam a sense of responsibility. He became responsible for the garden, the fowls of the air, all animals, crawling or flying, that he gave them their identity
Genesis 2 [19]And out of the ground the LORD God formed every beast of the field, and every fowl of the air; and brought them unto Adam to see what he would call them: and whatsoever Adam called every living creature, that was the name thereof.
Adam lived the God-Life until his relationship with God got severed.
Friends, do all you need to, to keep your relationship with God intact. Most of us youth, although understand the power or relationship do take it lightly. You can never be better than the relationship you keep.
The day Adam despised his relationship with God through disobedience, he lost his honor, his dignity, his authority, and his home. A lot of marriage crash daily because of wrong relationships.
The most important relationship in life is relationship with your Creator, that's the gateway to a life of purpose, only God can give you purpose, He created you because of a purpose that needs to be fulfilled, He only can reveal that to you. Do remember that there's nothing worst on earth than a life without purpose. Your Purpose gives you your identity.
When you are in Purpose, everything falls in place, Adam didn't ask for a wife, the maximal fulfilment of his assignment prompted God to seeing the need for a help meet.
Genesis 2 [18]And the LORD God said, It is not good that the man should be alone; I will make him an help meet for him.
Do not pursue friendship, partnership or emotional relationship or family when your relationship with God is not in place, even to the birthing of your purpose, you will crash.
At a point in my life,nothing was working right. I was confused, depressed, my emotional relationship was hitting the rocks, nothing worked until I discovered what went wrong, I was more obsessed with my emotional relationship than I was with my relationship with God.
I gave it all up and focused on God and my assignment, today I have peace, joy, and a sense of Fulfilment.
I will give up my emotional relationship a thousand times and over again to pursue God's purpose for my life.
Friends, relationship can go, let God stay, that was my decision, I stood on it and today,nothing is capable of stealing my joy.
Do not let earthly relationship cost you eternal glory.
Let God take His place in your life, set your priorities right. My purpose determines who I can call a friend, I know who to walk with and who not to get close to, my assignment taught me that. I have total peace.
Let nothing be too important to take God's place in your life. NOTHING IS WORTH IT.
The reason why that relationship is not working, why that business is failing, why academics is not responding is because the place of God is not rightly positioned.
Check your priorities friends, measure your life.
Anybody can go, any relationship, no matter how intimate, can go, any business connection can go. LET GOD STAY.....
Remain Ever Blessed.
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