Romans 12:1-2
                Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind. Then you will be able to test and approve what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.

The devil will fight even to death to make sure your body is not kept Holy. He understands the principle of 

Matthew 9:17
                Neither do people pour new wine into old wineskins. If they do, the skins will burst; the wine will run out and the wineskins will be ruined. No, they pour new wine into new wineskins, and both are preserved.”

He knows every act of defilement on the body makes the body too old to carry a new Anointing, he just can't bare to see you live holy. 
Friends, don't ever in your life play games with your body, don't let anyone sell you out of the truth. 
In the first part of this topic, we saw how that the kingdom of hell is using a system called 'SEX' to bring down the destinies of God's Generals, and we saw how this demonic system operates.  Click Here to read the first part of this topic.

Today, we'll see how the system have its way with the body of her victim.
      Having captured the heart through the eyes, and the heart creating events as a result of the information contained therein as delivered by the eyes, the system continually though gently, ready the body for the actions, the events the heart is creating, unknowingly to the victim. Gradually, the body becomes proactive for sexual transactions. And these prompts to the next tool the system uses:
    LONELINESS: Suddenly, the victim feels the need for a companion, there is this sudden void of emotional satisfaction. And then the body responds, in search for emotional satisfaction, the system introduces our next guest:
       EMOTIONAL SENSITIVITY TO TOUCH: the body becomes excessively sensitive to touch, especially of the opposite sex. Then the body's receptive system is on and anything that looks appealing will be just right for consumption and that's it, the obedient body will adapt to any action the mind is dictating, and the system guides the mind to a place of satisfaction. Either takes the victim to a friend that's been programmed for destruction or brings the friend to her victim, anyhow, there'll be a meeting.
Even though the victim senses danger, the system has a way of convincing her victim and they'll suddenly feel 'I can handle this' and then, they lose control. Before you say "jack Robinson", the system has gotten what she wanted. The victim still tries to figure out what just happened, what came over them, they wouldn't know.
This feeling in the victim leads to GUILT: Here's when the system retires and the devil takes over. GUILT makes a person draw aback from God, despite been forgiven, once GUILT is still in place, there is a huge distance between Man and God.
The devil takes advantage of this and feeds on his victim. It takes Grace to get a recovery.

This whole process might take months, weeks or even days to get accomplished. The devil is a very good event planner. He'll design the process in a way that the victims will never suspect anything going wrong. Please friends, DO NOT LOSE GUARD.
 Do forget the spiritual exchange that happens during sexual intercourse, it's a terrible exchange of Glory and Virtue, an exchange of Liberty for enslavement.
Like I said in the introductory part of this topic, Sex is more spiritual than physical.

My advice:

  • Please go through the introductory part of this write up, and understand why the devil employed this system called 'SEX' to carry out this task.
  • Keep your guard, Never walk carelessly friend, do not be ignorant of the devices used by this system.
  • Avoid it. Avoid all form of sin.
Remain Ever Blessed.


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