September 16, 2016
The Lord Will Keep You
PS. 121:3-5

When you study the Bible, it gives you hope in this world and on the world to come. Many people are affected by what affects the rest of the world; they are hopeless, fearful and timid like the world because they are not yet connected to the hope that is in the Bible.

In the middle of World War 2 in America, skyscrapers were leveled, houses were ruined, and people were buried as several bombs went off. While they were excavating and pulling people out of the rubble, the rescuers and the American soldiers went to a house that was unaffected by the blast and found an old woman sleeping. They woke her up and asked how she could sleep in such condition with bombs exploding everywhere. The woman looked at their faces and said 'because it is written in my Bible that He that keeps Israel never sleeps nor slumbers (PS. 121:4); God is not sleeping nor slumbering so it will be a waste of sleeplessness for me to be awake while God is awake (paraphrased). Furthermore, she said, 'The reason why He is not sleeping is so that I can sleep.'

The reason why God is not sleeping, though there are rumours of terrorism, bomb blast, kidnapping, and ritualists everywhere, is so that you can sleep. And the Lord will keep you in perfect peace, in Jesus' Name.

Remember this: The reason why God is not sleeping, though there are rumours of terrorism, bomb blast, kidnapping, and ritualists everywhere, is so that you can sleep.


  • Read and meditate on the anchor scripture and let God minister to your spirit.
  • Consciously make an effort to banish fear and anxiety from your heart.

        Lord, I lay down my fears at your feet because I know that you are watching over me, in Jesus's Name.


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