September 14, 2016
Willingness To Invest In The Kingdom
JOHN 3:16

When you are dedicated, your struggle to arrive at anything else in life becomes settled. In addition, dedicated born again Christians are:
1.       Available to run the errands of God: this is the availability to do what pleases God. Anywhere there is genuine love for God, service is effortless. For example,
a mother does not consider it a persecution to stay awake in the night to breast-feed or give her time to her baby because her love for that child drives her to do so. But some people have been coming to church for several years only to hear messages, receive prophecies and go back home afterwards without doing anything for God. For these people, the heart to love God, which culminates in service does not exist. Beloved, if you love Him, You will serve Him.
2.       Willingness to invest in God’s Kingdom:  This is the willingness to spend and be spent in God’s Kingdom. Anywhere there is Love, there will be giving (John 3:16). The simple reason why there are so many people struggling today to give one naira to God or pay their tithe is because they are not dedicated to God. People can spend humongous amount of money shopping for themselves but when it comes to making an investment that will enhance the kingdom of God and win a soul, it becomes difficult because where your treasure is, is also where your heart is (Matt. 6:21). When a man’s heart is not with God, his resources cannot go to God. Beloved, it is bankruptcy of dedication that makes people to be stingy towards God. Dedicated people are usually liberal in the Direction of God.

Remember this: it is bankruptcy of dedication that makes people to be stingy towards God.
·         Be available to run God’s errand.
·         If you have not been investing in God’s Kingdom, start Today.
        Lord, rekindle my love for you so that I can serve you dedicatedly in Jesus’ Name.


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