January 22, 2017
Your Faith, your miracle
Matthew 9:28-30

Then touched he their eyes, saying, According to your faith be it unto you.[30]And their eyes were opened; and Jesus straitly charged them, saying, See that no man know it.

The issue is not with God's ability or will, the issue is with your faith. Miracles are the deliberate act of God provoked by desperate faith of men. The power of God has been before the beginning began, He can't get more powerful than He is today, he wasn't more powerful than it was yesterday, His power is forever powerful, so your miracle doesn't need time, it needs your faith.

The blind men understood the concept of their miracle, they know that the only thing between their miracle is not the power of God but their faith and so they believed. Your faith provokes God's power.

The woman with the issue of God didn't cry to God, she touched God. Faith is an action word, it's an active force , not passive. Once your faith is settled, your case is settled. Faith is hardwork, it carries responsibility.

Instead of crying to God for a change, engage your faith and ask God to reveal the part you are to play, once you do what's expected of you, your miracle is sure coz God will not leave His part undone.
I see Heaven releasing your miracle to you in Jesus Mighty name.

Remain Ever Blessed..


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