October 19, 2016
Live a Life of WORSHIP
Romans 12:1
                           I beseech you therefore, brethren, by the mercies of God, that ye present your bodies a living sacrifice, holy, acceptable unto God, which is your reasonable service.

The essence of humanity is worship. Worshippers are of easy access to the heart of God. I'm not necessarily talking about singers,
but living a life totally pleasing to God. A life of total surrender to His dictates. Worship Is a lifetime commitment, not a once in a while affair.

You can sing songs of worship for 6 hours and still go back to fornicate, that's not what I'm talking about, I am talking a life of worship not an art of worship, singing is just an art of worship.

True worship is living out your life for Him, pressing everyday to do His will, making your life an object, an instrument of pleasure to your Maker, that's TRUE WORSHIP. Be a Worshipper.

Assignment: thrive daily to live out His will and desire for your life..
Prayer: Lord, I surrender my life as an instrument of worship, take pleasure in me o Lord, in Jesus name.


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