Fear Magnetises Evil
Job 3:25
               What I feared has come upon me;
    what I dreaded has happened to me.

When you begin to fear and shake because of the devil, you will attract him. Fear is a magnet of both the Devil and his evil. Job said, 'The thing that I feared did come upon me. They were passing but a I feared, they came; my fear gave them invitation;my magnetised them, if I had not feared, they wouldn't have come' (Job 3:25 paraphrased). God moves in the direction of faith , and Satan moves in the direction of fear. Whenever God wants to do something positive on your life, He will show and speak things to you that will make you believe in Him because God cannot work without faith.

When He came to Mary and said 'You shall be pregnant!' Mary was doubtful. Then the angel began to convince Mary. He told her of Elizabeth (her cousin) who was a retired barren woman but was then pregnant.

Mary believed, then the miracle happened. In the same manner, when the devil wants to do a negative thing, he will show, say and do things that will make you believe in the possibility of calamity in your life and when your brief is confirmed (the evidence of your belief is my you begin to fear), then the devil will say, 'takw your expectation, take the sickness, take what you have been fearing.' if you become aware of the enemies' devices, the church will spend less time praying for you. 

But as long as that fear is in your heart, even after being sprayed for in the church, the symptoms of the ailment will disappear only to reappear on the way home.

Remember this: when you begin to fear and shake because of the devil, you will attract him.

  • Always write down good dreams, revelations and prophecies from God to you.
  • Whenever the devil comes with fear, review what you have written down previously and pray with them  alongside scriptures.

          I refuse to fear ssudden death, ancestral curses or inherited diseases. I refuse to believe the devil. I shall not fear, in Jesus Name.


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