My dad said to me a long time ago, 'Son, It doesn't matter how far you've gone on a wrong path, TURN BACK'.

Research reveals that last year, America registered 2.4 million marriages and at the end of 2015, recorded 1.2 million divorce cases, that's 50% divorce rate. Thats huge.

Most divorces occur because the people involved refused to TURN BACK'. It doesn't matter how many hours you've spent on the road to Kaduna, you'll never get to Lagos. You need to turn back and move on the right path to get to

Jesus made it clear to us in Matthew 5:30
               And if thy right hand offend thee, cut it off, and cast it from thee: for it is profitable for thee that one of thy members should perish, and not that thy whole body should be cast into hell.
The meaning of that to you is, it is better to suffer a broken heart that to live a lifetime of divorce.
The essence of courtship or dating as the case may be is simply to understand each other, to determine if you guys can cope together as man and wife or  not. Please note that COURTSHIP DOESN'T GUARANTEE MARRIAGE!!!

 This is the mistake most of us youth often make, we often say, 'oh, we've been dating for 4 years now, how can I leave her because of a character deficiency (that you cannot cope with), some say, 'ah, we've together for 2 years now, how can I leave?, we'll sort out our differences', some say 'I can't break up now, what will people say?I can't bare the embarrassment before my friends, they will laugh at me, while some say 'dont worry, she'll Change when we get married.

Dating is a process, marriage is the product. If a chemical process goes wrong, the product is always disastrous.
If there are errors in courtship, there will be in marriage. If after a year of courtship and corrections, your partner still display some traits that not too good with you, how are you sure marriage with change him/her? If after 3 years, she still nags and you bro, hate nagging, what makes you suddenly believe you'll get used to her?, To something you hate? Or that she'll stop when you guys end up married? If she doesn't change before marriage, she won't after. If you can't change your partner, marriage won't.

Marriage doesn't change you, it brings out more of you, the real you. A popular saying goes thus; if you say Love is blind, marriage will open your eyes' how true?
Love is not blind friends, Love sees the best, not neglecting and/or capitalizing on their inadequacies though.

Do not make the mistake of marrying a person out of pity, you two may end up in the PIT. Be realistic and sincere during courtship, popular Yoruba adage says 'friday determines how Saturday will be like'. Your courtship determines how your marriage will be like. If she nags during courtship, she will more after marriage, if he flirts during courtship, he will more after marriage.
Be firm and acknowledge the truth, do not endure or tolerate your partner, believing marriage will change him/her overnight. You may both end in disaster.

Don't be weak in gour judgement, understand what courtship is all about. courtship is the determining factor of a fruitful or divorced marriage.
Remember that you are at the receiving end of whatever the outcome of your marriage be like. May you not be a victim of a failed marriage, in Jesus name.

During courtship, you think more about yourself, you mind your destiny, your happiness, your dignity, your family, your career but in marriage, you think more about your partner, it becomes, our lives, our happiness, our destinies, our family etc.
Courtship is Selfish, marriage is selfless.
In courtship, you think only about you, in marriage you think about him/her.
Understand these my friend.

Break up can be painful, which oftentimes is, but you don't want to know how terrible divorce is like, believe me. May you not be a victim of divorce in Jesus Mighty name.

A heart can be broken in courtship, at divorce, a life is broken.

I'll rather suffer break ups over and over than endure one divorce letter.
            Which would you Rather??

Remain Ever Blessed...


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